Lately, I have been rolling cigarettes with Cherokee Mellow Blend Premium Pipe Tobacco produced by the Cherokee Tobacco Company of South Boston, Va. With Top 70mm papers, I find this makes a quite satisfactory non-filtered cigarette of exceptional value. Locally, this tobacco is available for $15.99 per pound and Top cigarette papers are currently $1.29 per one hundred. As a rule of thumb, six ounces of tobacco produces around two hundred cigarettes which is the equivalent of a carton. Thus, a carton of non-filtered cigarettes rolled with Cherokee tobacco costs $8.57. If filtered cigarettes are desired, top cigarette plugs are available locally for $1.29 per one hundred and this would increase the cost per carton to $11.15. The Cherokee Tobacco Company has a website ( but it is apparently under construction following an officious and unreasonable attack levied by the FDA: