The Top-O-Matic
T2 gets dirty but routine maintenance is simple since the bottom of the
machine consists of a thick rubber mat that easily slips off and on.
Simply remove the mat, empty out any tobacco that has collected inside,
remove any remaining debris with a dry brush, replace the mat, and the
T2 is clean and ready to make cigarettes. The only negative mechanical
attribute noted thus far is that the nut that retains the handle loosens
with use and regularly tightening it is necessary for optimum
I was impressed with the Top-O-Matic T2 when I started using it
in January and I remain pleased with it after using it daily for more
than three months. The machine has proven reliable, providing a cost
effective, efficient means for making quality cigarettes at home. It
takes an hour or so to inject four packs of cigarettes when moving at a
moderate pace and I normally make a day's supply while having morning coffee. At this point, the Top-O-Matic T2 has more than paid for itself and I highly recommend it.
I've had no problem thus far with my TOM. Thanks for the information, no doubt will come in handy in the future.
You're welcome!