Recently, I came across a nice looking Mossberg 500 AG 12 gauge with a C-LECT Choke, almost pristine and probably about as old as my childhood friend's Western Field. It brought back fond memories and provided some reflection. It is advantageous to be able to quickly adjust your choke to your shooting conditions and this is accomplished easily enough with choke tubes that are not very noticeable. However, not everyone finds it convenient to carry around extra chokes and not everyone finds adjustable chokes ugly or distracting.
Perhaps I am a bit biased. When I was growing up, adjustable chokes, such as the C-LECT Choke, were considered modern and I like them because:
- They provide a full range of chokes.
- They are integral to the shotgun and not easily lost or forgotten.
- They are quickly adjusted without tools.
There is also an added bonus. Since adjustable chokes are no longer popular and many consider them unattractive, used shotguns that are so equipped often sell for very reasonable prices.
To me, versatility is the most appealing aspect of a 12 gauge pump shotgun. As configured with the C-LECT Choke, the Mossberg 500 AG, with its 3 inch chamber, is ready for a wide variety of game at typical shotgun ranges. Nothing is perfect and the C-LECT Choke has some limitations. It is not rated for steel shot, it can rust and seize if not maintained, and it does not provide an option for installing specialty chokes. However, as a cost effective, multiple purpose firearm that comes in a single package, the Mossberg 500 AG with C-LECT Choke is hard to beat.
Stored with a variety of ammunition (e.g. a sampling of bird shot, buckshot, and slugs carried in a Blackhawk 55 round bandoleer), the Mossberg 500 AG is good for general utility and in an emergency, it can provide suitable defense. For those who wish to expand its capability, a host of new and used barrels are readily available for the Mossberg 500. Two that might be particularly useful are: 1. an 18.5 inch Security barrel for dedicated defensive roles and 2. a 24 inch rifled barrel for big game since it will provide .45-70 like ballistics and 200 yard effectiveness with sabot slugs.
Stored with a variety of ammunition (e.g. a sampling of bird shot, buckshot, and slugs carried in a Blackhawk 55 round bandoleer), the Mossberg 500 AG is good for general utility and in an emergency, it can provide suitable defense. For those who wish to expand its capability, a host of new and used barrels are readily available for the Mossberg 500. Two that might be particularly useful are: 1. an 18.5 inch Security barrel for dedicated defensive roles and 2. a 24 inch rifled barrel for big game since it will provide .45-70 like ballistics and 200 yard effectiveness with sabot slugs.
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