
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Political Correctness is a Trojan Horse for Marxism

The following was penned by a good friend of mine, Fr. Richard Pumphrey, a well spoken, Anglican priest who is Southern in ways, habits, and character, though he hails from Illinois.

To be fully aware of the insidious encroachment of a philosophy called political correctness, or more rightly Cultural Marxism, it is beneficial to have lived in a time when the notion was regarded as ludicrous if not absurd. The fundamental premise is quite simple, it represents a virtual gagging filter placed between the thoughts of an individual and the vocal expression of them. Quite simply it is a social conditioning designed to seriously limit free expression and the exchange of ideas. 

The consequence of applying such constraints is far reaching and the unintended, invariable negative consequences are yet to be fully experienced. In cultures where the heavy hand of Marxist governance plays out, we easily see a cowed and beaten population creeping fearfully about their daily lot, which invariably is miserable. Any sign of protest or whisper of discontent is swiftly dealt with –brutally. In short, Cultural Marxism is a sledge hammer tool used to enforce the subjugation of a population, where individual rights are sacrificed to the benefit of the collective.

If we placed rats in such an environment to experiment with social stresses, we would see great hue and cry: The Origins of Political Correctness! To fully appreciate the genesis of Cultural Marxism one needs to understand the original thrust of its development. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. It is an effort that goes back not to the 1960s and the hippies and the peace movement, but back to World War I. If we compare the basic tenets of Political Correctness with classical Marxism, the parallels are obvious.

The manner of implementation of Cultural Marxism is nothing short of crass deceit. In effect, it uses the ostensible cloak of apple pie and motherhood. Under the pretext of minority rights protection, it assumes and prescribes that so-called “minorities” require protection since they cannot integrate successfully under their own volition, a notion that is quite insulting in its own right. For the deception to work, cultural labels need to be defined and entrenched in the psyche of a general population. These we would recognize as perpetually sainted groups of “victims”.

Without the voluntary adoption of these sainted “victims”, the justification for Cultural Marxism would evaporate, hence much effort is expended to ensure that the labeling system "sticks". When it does, an implied, marginal benefit is proffered to those willing to wear the label of "victim". This deceit perpetuates and sustains a garish marginalization of groups of individuals and perpetually implies that they are somehow lesser in individuality and need assistance as a result.

This is not only deep deceit, it is the height of insulting patronization. If the tenets of Cultural Marxism (Google it) were applied as touted, it would immediately self-destruct, since it is the most offensive concept ever conceived by evil minds. Be that as it may, societies have and are being indoctrinated with this perverted logic, critical thinking is abandoned, and huge swaths of society are obediently and willfully sliding into an untenable prison of darkness.

As real life examples demonstrate, subjugated populations represent the zenith of miserable and fettered existence. Are you OK with that for you and yours? Remember whatever implied token, marginal benefit has been dangled as PC/SM acceptance bait, the price and cost will prove to be far more onerous than the trade deserves. It behooves ALL of us to fall into THE insidious trap of total mind, thought and expression suppression-- I know of no system worth THAT crushing penalty. Yes, you will be pressured and ostracized for defending genuine freedoms but at the end of the day, you will you rest content if you capitulate and comply to elitist inspired browbeating carrying the penalty of despicable and heinous ulterior motives.

Crucify Political Correctness on the Altar of Freedom of Speech! The West will either reject the logic of Political Correctness or suffer a catastrophic failure of vision, will, power, and influence; destroying civil society as we know it. This may sound drastic, and it is. But why is it being claimed here? Because the ideas in the doctrines of Political Correctness and related notions like Multiculturalism are so destructive that, like magma, cannot long be held safely before spilling over and causing tremendous damage, chaos, and destruction of our society. The reason it must be eliminated is because Political Correctness is a Trojan horse for Marxism, which always destroys everything it touches. 

Be aware, they will not rest until you, the citizen, is so cowed and intimidated you become a virtual serf to their bidding. It is time to consider this particular travesty with the full weight of your purview. Social Marxism is something far easier to prevent than recover from: historically, it is almost impossible. Remember, no matter the good intention claimed of any governance, it is immediately twisted, perverted, and corrupted for a benefit that is never yours. Social Marxism readies you to accept, without means to object. The lightning is already out of the bottle but, with good grounding, you can nullify it.

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